“Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be..."
-William Woodsworth
The slow and vigilant loss of your body, of a loved one or the loss of who you were or are is never easy, and sometimes focusing on the now instead of the loss is even more difficult. But there is a beginning and an end to everything - when that occurs is different for all of us. The fact that I still seek humor and new experiences with a curiosity that only grows in the midst of struggle tells me I'm still doing fine.
Yesterday was Earth Day but every day should be. I know I’m always looking for an excuse to get lost in the splendor of natural order. Nature has helped me get through this struggle in so many ways and I’ll always be in debt to it for the views, perspective and adventures it’s granted me. Love your home 🌎 🌳🌱
My art gallery
Follow my wheelchair travels, art and mini-memoirs at Instagram.com/kamredlawsk and Facebook.
#kamswheelstravel #earthdayeveryday