It is easier to get a gun in America than a wheelchair. This is not an anti-gun post, this is an anti-do nothing post in the face of an undeniable problem.
Read MoreMy First Children’s Book Week
My first children’s book week…
Read MoreMy story: Watch 44 years in 3.5 minutes
This is 44
Forty four and I like the vista of my life; all I’ve been through, seen and done, and all I’ve yet to see. I love what getting older and living life has done for my mind and vision. I’m at a place where I like who I’ve become and know where I’m going, more or less.
Read MoreCandace Owens is Ridiculous
“We don’t need disability in our face.” - Candace Owens
It’s true, disabled people wear underwear. Wild. I know. (Who let us out of the cage?) Recently, political commentator Candace Owens went on an angry rant, demanding an explanation on why a disabled model is featured in a Skims underwear ad, and how ridiculous and over the whole inclusivity thing she is, calling it stupid while mocking disabled people.
There are several signals here, the most prominent is her mirroring the pervasive thought society has about disabled people: we’re better not seen and we don’t deserve to live or have the same access non disabled are privy to.
Read MoreJudy Heumann - The Mother of the Disability Rights Movement / Dec 18, 1947 - March 4, 2023
It’s Women’s History Month and I want to highlight Judy Heumann; a significant disabled activist who recently passed away on March 4th. Much of the access disabled people have today is because of Judy’s work that began in the 70s.
Read MoreSee the Self
…it’s about resetting our own lens and truly seeing the self; a systematic collection of psychological, social, experience, neural and molecular identity. The core of who we are. and where true awe inspiring beauty lies. The self is more than the physical.
Read MoreNew Year, New View
Learning to love your body in all its stages is an inveterate adventure without a disability. But add a disability to the equation, with an atypical or anti-mainstream body, and you’ve got a lot more noise to work through.
Read MoreMy 2022 (in video)
I get around. ♿️✈️ Here’s my annual travel compilation (4 minutes) of some of the moments and things we saw and did in 2022. (Remember, these are just highlights, not all the lights obscured by shadow and monotony)…
Read MoreDisability Is Innovation
What Adoption Is Really Like
What is adoption really like? November was Adoption awareness month, here’s my late contribution. Often, we only hear about adoption from a society who romanticizes it, as they pat the adoptive parent on the back for being saints, and pat adoptees on the head while telling us how lucky we are that someone would rescue the “unwanted”; a similar response I receive as a married disabled person. This not so subtle message was drilled into me from young: “I should only be grateful for the sacrifice it took to get me” thus, in my little abandoned mind, I’m a burden who needs to prove I’m not a mistake.
This message throughout my life helped mold my self-perception.
Read MoreWhat Is Productivity?
Me: I didn’t do anything today.
Jason: You existed. That’s enough.
I can be on a productivity spiral almost daily. I never feel that I’m doing enough, no matter what I do or accomplish, and can easily get down on myself—thinking I need to do more. Be more.
Read MoreThese Hands
But here we are. I’m doing my best to accept this impending destination as no treatment exists yet. I’m struggling with the knowledge that this won’t end until it’s eaten up my body. I’m struggling with feeling more frail, in pain and weak every year. I’m struggling with wondering if I’ll die young. I’m struggling with my hands as I feel the weakness spreading. I’m struggling with no longer being able to draw one day—another form of personal expression taken from me.
Read MoreInternational Day of Persons with Disabilities Day
Happy International Day of Persons with Disabilities Day!
“To be different is a gift. To be ordinary is common.” - Aída Salinas
How can you love a body that’s different? How can you love a body that puts you in constant pain and utter fatigue? How can you love a body that doesn’t work like the typical? How can you love a body that feels like it’s slowly dying? How can you love a body that makes you feel mortal weakness to its core?
Read More13 Years
I’ve always felt connected to the desert as it mirrors so much of how I’ve felt throughout much of my life: a sense of loneliness, abandonment and aloneness, but thanks to Jason I haven’t had to do it alone anymore. Jason has seen most of the stages of this disease, from the cane and leg braces days to a walker, manual chair and now a power chair. He has witnessed the darkest pits and brightest days…
Read MoreWe Can
Society likes to image disabled as one thing. We’re positioned as the “uncool” group who don’t belong and are better hidden. In society’s eyes, we can’t have interests, sexuality, be accomplished, opinionated, educated or edgy. We can’t be travelers. We can’t be interesting. We can’t be a (company) asset. We can’t be fashionable. We can’t be talented. We can’t be sexy. We can’t. We can’t. We can’t.
Read MoreDeserted
Melancholy set in last week, so we took a spontaneous road trip to Joshua Tree. Saturday was my dad’s birthday. He died last year. We took my dad to Joshua Tree the last time he visited California, right before his double lung transplant…
Read MoreNot A Burden
Disability Pride
having pride in oneself can be challenging in a world that says don’t be you. How can you have pride when you’re met with such odds and ignorance?
Read MoreKimchi NostalgIa
It’s AAPI Heritage Month…Food connects and opens people because food is very personal. It’s an offering, an extension of love and kinship. When we perceive something different, we inherently fear it first, but through food we can see another’s’ humanity—mirroring kinfolk archetypes who have loved us as children through food; reminding us of our moms, grandmas, sisters and the family who fed us. It breaks down walls and irrational fears.
Read MoreF*** Stairs
It’s about inclusion, sure. But it’s also about fragmenting our thinking—changing collective thought and realizing the lack of including different minds and experiences restrict the possibilities of greater innovation in products and experience. It’s about understanding human centered capitalism can also be a profitable business model…
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