I'm sitting at my desk doing some work before Monday begins, and Jason is playing Wii's Super Mario 2. He is very happy. Like a little kid. Pippi is knocked out cold and laying right next to him.
I am feeling pretty good and motivated. I can do this :). This weekend was pretty low key. We achieved necessary errands and I did a bit of cooking. I made a batch of homemade pizza sauce and then homemade pizza right afterwards. Jason thinks I am insane, but I sort of de-seed my tomatoes to prevent bitterness in the sauce. I love the way my fingers feel between the tomatoes' skin and the way the pulp surrounds them. What a great feeling. The other day I had some DakJuk and wanted to see if I could figure out how to make it, so I made a pot of that, too. DakJuk is pretty much Korean rice porridge. If you have had Chinese Congee it is that plus chicken noodle soupy flavor. I made a huge pot and it turned out pretty well. Great for those cold days.
My tid bit of advice is in EVERYTHING you do add that something little special. It does matter, even if you are the only one that knows what the added "special" was.