Love What Matters published my piece ‘This Disabled Life’! They reached out to me a few weeks ago and asked me to share my story. Please take a read, share and go to their Facebook + Instagram + Twitter page and give my story a like 😉❤️
Excerpt: “Like nature, there are ebbs and flows. When I’m in love with life, I’m really in love. When I’m in grief, it’s like a loss I’ve never felt before. When I’m in fear, it’s a fear unlike any dare devil adventure out there. Some days I feel like I can conquer the world. Other days I feel like I’m completely destroyed with no chance of survival in sight. But in the amber of a moment, time stands still, and I can deeply feel the beauty and viciousness in one isolated snapshot....Live being afraid of an unlived life.”
Read my full piece here.
#LoveWhatMatters #kamwrites #kamswheelstravel