Inspired Wheelchairs

Rolling and jamming around the city I noticed alot of wheelchairs out. Ughhh, why are wheelchairs so horrible looking?

I swear, one day, one day I wanna make those things look sweet, and THEN people will be staring at me not because I have wheels attached to my butt, but because I look so darn cool ;).

I definitely see a rising trend in focusing on individual mobility and making it better and cooler. Which is smart because disability rates are rising and people are living longer, thus more need for assistance. It's an industry that hasn't really been touched and its potential not sought after.

I definitely see more conceptual art for the medical device industry. Car companies, such as Honda and Toyota focus studios for R&D in individual mobility, though some more shiny than practical or functional.  I see alot of conceptual -  shiny art, so it makes the company appear innovative, but I'm waiting to see for this flare to be realistic enough to actually hit markets for people who actually need them. There is definitely so much potential awaiting. Hey, if people have to live in these things on a daily basis for the rest of their lives, there's no reason why it can't be inspired. I have alot to say about this subject and what one day I hope to do in this field, but I am tired, so I am off to bed.
